Perspectives from the Periphery: International Conference on the History of Sociology and the Social Sciences

Perspectives from the Periphery: International Conference on the History of Sociology and the Social Sciences

Research Committee on the History of Sociology (RCHS) of the International Sociological Association (ISA); Department of Historical Studies, Umeå University; Department of Sociology, Uppsala University; Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study (SCAS), Uppsala
Umeå University
Umeå, Sweden
From - Until
21.08.2008 - 24.08.2008
Streijffert, Kaarina

In August 21-24, 2008, the quadrennial Interim Conference of the International Sociological Association's (ISA) Research Committee on the History of Sociology (RCHS) will take place at Umeå University. As national organisers of the conference, we regard this as an excellent opportunity to bring up to the research front a theme that is both congenial to the choice of place (in the northern part of Sweden) and of apparent relevance in today's increasingly globalised world, namely the important but still relatively unexplored potential of perspectives from the periphery in the history of sociology and the social sciences. By addressing issues related to different geographical, social, disciplinary and temporal peripheries, by inviting several of today’s most prominent scholars on these issues, by offering plenary sessions and parallell workshops, and by welcoming researchers from sociology as well as from other disciplines, the conference aims at encouraging a dynamic and truly interdisciplinary history that contributes to a richer and more complex understanding of the social sciences both in the past and in today's common world.

The conference theme, "Perspectives from the Periphery", should be understood in a broad and inclusive sense. While history of sociology often has been primarily associated with the study of the classical theories of the so-called founding-fathers in metropolitan Europe, this conference aims at expanding the boundaries from within and draw attention also to the "other sides". An important standpoint is however not to regard this relationship in terms of one-sided influences from the centre to the periphery, but instead to emphasize the complex patterns of cultural translations, power relations, and mutual exchange. Hence, in this conference questions related to different geographical, social, disciplinary and temporal peripheries will all be placed in the centre of attention. How is the local related to the global? Is there a political geography of social theory? In what ways have gender, ethnicity and class structured the production of social knowledge -- and our understandings of it? What do experiences from the non-western margins say about today's spatial and temporal limits, and power relations? Is a trans-national history of the social sciences without a cognitive centre possible, and how would in that case such a history look like?

The conference especially welcomes sessions and papers related to one or several of the sub-themes and topics suggested below. But since the aim of the conference is to offer an open and inclusive understanding, papers on other aspects of the history of sociology and the social sciences are welcome as well:

- Geographical peripheries: history of sociology and the social sciences in Sweden and other small or non-western countries; glocal and/or postcolonial perspectives, etc.
- Social peripheries: women as forgotten pioneers and newcomers on the academic scene, social scientific couples, class and ethnic perspectives, power relations, etc.
- Institutional peripheries: extra-academic social research; state investigations and non-governmental organisations; disciplinary boundaries and academic hierarchies, etc.
- Temporal peripheries: 1968 -- forty years later; long-term historical perspectives; cultural historical perspectives, etc.

By addressing these issues, inviting four of today's most outstanding scholars on these issues, arranging plenary sessions and parallel workshops, and by welcoming researchers from sociology as well as from other disciplines, the conference aims to offer an updated overview of recent and ongoing research related to perspectives from the periphery in the history of sociology and the social sciences.

The conference especially welcomes papers related to the conference theme and its sub-themes and/or the suggested sessions. But since the aim of the conference is to offer an open and inclusive understanding, papers on other aspects of the history of sociology and the social sciences are welcome as well.

Paper proposals should be written in English (or French, German or Spanish if the proposal is aimed for a full session in those languages). Please use the abstract form on the congress' homepage and submit as email attachment addressed to and the relevant session organiser. Deadline for paper proposals is January 31, 2008.

The proposals will be refereed by the organising committee. The number of participants will be restricted to 100. Notification of acceptance will be emailed as soon as possible thereafter. If you need a letter of invitation earlier to be able to apply for money from your home institution and you have a session or a paper to present, please write to us:


The conference will take place on the campus of Umeå University. All sessions will be located to the Humanities building, while social arrangements will take place in localities in its close vicinities. The campus is easily accessible from the airport. It is located near Umeå centre with all hotels and necessary facilities close at hand. The conference programme consists of four keynote lectures, two plenary sessions and parallel workshops, with social arrangements in between.

The preliminary programme structure looks as follows:

Thursday, August 21
12-15 Registration
15-16 Opening Ceremony
16-18 Keynote lectures I-II
18 - Reception

Friday, August 22
8-12 Parallel workshops I-VI
13-15 Keynote lectures III-IV
15-17 Parallel workshops VII-IX
18- Visit at Umeå University's Museum of Art and Visual Culture

Saturday, August 23
8-12 Parallel workshops X-XV
13-14 Plenary session
14-15 Plenary book session
16-17 RCHS Business Meeting
18- Outdoor Dinner by the Baltic Sea

Sunday, August 24
8-12 Parallel workshops XVI-XXI
12-13 Closing ceremony
13- Optional Post-Conference Tour to Norrbyskär

The final programme will be published on this site closer to the conference.

Contact (announcement)

Mrs. Kaarina Streijffert
Conference Secretary
Umeå Congress AB
P.O.Box 7655
SE-90713 Umeå
+46 90 13 00 34 (phone)
+46 90 13 00 36 (fax)
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